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Elevate Haiti in Action 2016
By: EHM - Team Member
Sep 20, 2016

It seems during the most adverse times is when the Word has opportunity to go forth.  In the book of Acts, Paul experience great opposition but he saw it as an opportunity to speak and share his testimony many times on his way to Rome.  He spoke before Felix, Festus, Agrippa, the Sannhedrin Court and while in prison.

There is a sense of knowing or a sense of fulfillment when you’re walking in your purpose.  It doesn’t mean the struggle is not real according to II. Cor. 4:16-18. On this 7th mission trip, again, we experienced limited electricity, little to no water for bathing and 100+ degree temperatures along with high humidity.  We thought all these things were working against us when actually God was working in us!
This group of 19 travelers was outstanding, ranging in age from 15-76 years of age.  We came from different backgrounds with a variety of skills.  What’s amazing is that each one found their place of ministry and served with excellence.

We recognized that we were chosen and appointed according to John 15:16…we were appointed by God.  I heard a missionary say once, if we were appointed to a post or given an assignment by our President, we would be honored but what honor do we place on the King’s (capital K) appointment? With that being said, situations that look hopeless only empowered us to gird up our loins to bring light and hope to the place we were commissioned from August 2-August 9, 2016 in LaPlaine, Haiti.

Collaborating with the Haitians from the nursing staff to the young door keepers, working together in areas that benefited 70+ children daily, a new computer lab was built, 6 blackboards were constructed and refurbished along with 6 new desks for the school. With the use of an open and free clinic, many were served in the immediate community who had health needs.  There were daily workshops for kids, and young ladies. A men’s conference on “God’s Kingdom Men” helped men to understand the importance of seeking God first. A marriage ministry which involved EHM paying for six couples to get married was transformational. 17 new pews for the church were built. We gave away over 300 sandals, countless book bags, dresses and ties.

EHM is elevating lives and restoring hope in Lathan, Haiti, through our school, boys’ home, church, medical center and more.  As you can see, we need your support to continue to help the poorest of the poor.

Sincerely, Elder Giss

